Video Clips:

Sample Video Clips of Donald ‘live’ on stage:

Note:  To view any of these brief video clips below, simply click on the title.

  1. Every business is tough…unless you love it. (3.5 minutes)

  2. Mediocrity is no longer an option! (3 minutes)

  3. Being proactive…how many of you brought a list? (70 seconds)

  4. We need to get everyone singing from the same hymn sheet. (60 seconds)

  5. As business owners and managers, our first job is clarity. (90 seconds)

  6. Finally, some straight talk about your business ‘Vision’. (6 minutes)

  7. Our Vision…chipping away everything that isn’t ‘angel’. (90 seconds)

  8. When it comes to ‘change’, there are 3 possibilities. (40 seconds)

  9. Are you aiming high enough? (90 seconds)

  10. Our Vision ‘feeds’ our Mission. (45 seconds)

  11. Making powerful connections with our target customers. (4.5 minutes)

  12. Define yourself by how you ‘help’…not by what you sell. (3.5 minutes)

  13. The truth about why people buy. (4.5 minutes)

  14. Be extraordinary…one customer experience at a time. (8 minutes)

  15. What business are you really in? (3.5 minutes)

  16. Make it easy for your customers to buy! (45 seconds)

  17. Our ‘Brand’ is a promise…are we keeping the promise? (80 seconds)

  18. Our commitment to our staff team. (4 minutes)

  19. Everyone on your team is part of your value…or part of your problem. (60 seconds)

  20. How to improve pride and commitment in your business. (3.5 minutes)

  21. Create a culture of celebration! (2 minutes)

  22. Create both success and significance in your life. (2.5 minutes)

  23. Don’t make your business your ‘neat fort’. (60 seconds)

  24. Creating your extraordinary life. (60 seconds)

  25. Communicating your powerful message. (60 seconds)



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Donald, thank you for the tremendous boost that you’ve provided to our management team. We are unanimous that this was the most insightful business Workshop that we’ve ever attended. You have changed our culture from ‘goals and objectives’ to clear and specific ‘commitments’...and we can already see the difference.

The global leader in 3-dimensional robotic welding.

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