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Bonus tips on how to use our Management Blog to grow your business…or your career:

We receive ‘rave reviews’ from readers around the world for the helpful content and punchy no-nonsense writing style of our ‘straight talk’ Management Blog.  We also get emails from readers about how they use our Blog articles to manage smarter, promote their business and get a promotion.  Here are 6 ideas from readers that may work for you.  

  1. “I send your Management Blog to all our franchisees every month…and they love it.  I could have you send it directly to them, but this way I look like the hero!”     
  2. “We regularly use your thought-provoking articles at our monthly Management Meetings to challenge our team on issues of marketing, management, service, leadership, Vision, value and profitability.  We used to struggle to find topics that focused us on the really important stuff in our business…but, thanks to you, no more.”       
  3. “We use some of your articles in our own company Newsletter…but, of course, we always credit you as the author and refer readers to your website.  You make us look smart.”       
  4. “We use your Blog articles in our industry Trade Magazine.  They’re punchy, to the point…and just the right length!  In one issue alone we used three of your articles.  It saves us both time and money.”    
  5. “I use your Blog articles to impress my boss.  Before each meeting with her I read one of your articles and then work your points into the conversation.  So far, I’ve received two promotions, so please don’t stop the Blog!”
  6. “My nephew is a Business School student and your Blog articles give him ongoing insight into the real world of business that is helping him improve his marks.   

How can you use some of these 6 ideas to grow your business, or your career?  When reproducing our Blog, or any part of it, all we ask is that you identify me as the author and link folks to our website,



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Donald, your two Seminars were rated #1 and #2 out of over 40 programs that we offered.

…Sterling Event Management, USA

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