(Time to read this Blog article is about 1 minute)

Last week I dispelled two of the biggest myths in business today:

  1. ‘There’s no such thing as customer loyalty anymore.’…and,
  2. ‘You can’t get great staff anymore.’

If you missed last week’s insightful Blog, you can access it here,  Cooper’s Blog – June 10.  At the end of that Blog, I promised we’d look at other big myths that are holding many businesses back, but I’ve just received an important short video from my friend Shelle Rose Charvet, one of the smartest people I’ve ever met, that I want to share with you NOW.  Shelle is a global thought leader in the field of linguists and the author of the best-selling book, ‘Words That Change Minds’.   

Shelle’s video is about a more effective way to deliver bad news…and heaven knows, there’s lots of bad news these days.  Bad news to be delivered to employees, customers, suppliers and landlords as businesses struggle to survive during this challenging time. 

But even in the best of times, there’s often bad news that needs to be delivered in business, and to our family and friends.  Most of us are ‘good news bears’.  We love delivering good news, but we delay dealing with the ‘bad news’ situations.  Sometimes we don’t address those situations at all, ever, in the foolish belief that they’ll somehow magically go away.  They never do.  They just get worse.

So, here’s the link to Shelle’s short video,  InstituteForInflunece.com/TheBadNewsFormula Now, make a list of at least 3 ‘bad news’ situations that you need to deal with and, using Shelle’s ‘Bad News Formula’, determine how you’re going to deal with them.  It will take a huge  weight off you when you do.     

That’s it for this week…

Stay calm…live brilliantly…and do at least 3 important or kind things each day!       

Donald Cooper 

How Donald can help during the Covid mess:  Until it’s safe for groups to meet in person, we’re offering remote Business Coaching to business owners and managers around the world who want to improve performance in some or all of these 5 key areas:

  1. Create compelling customer value and experiences that give them a clear competitive advantage.
  2. Market and promote more effectively in a crowded and cynical marketplace.  There’s no point being the best if you’re also the best kept secret.
  3. Attract, lead and retain a dedicated and top-performing team.  The real battle in business today is the battle for talent.
  4. Manage smarter and improve long-term profitability…and to,
  5. Create a clear direction for the future of their business…and a clear Action Plan to get there.

To chat about how I can be helpful, just email me at donald@donaldcooper.com, or phone us at 416-252-3703 in Toronto.  

One Response to The ‘Bad News Formula’ that will change the way you deliver bad news:
  1. Thanks for sharing Shelle’s excellent video! It’s valuable advice that I hope I never have to use, but also realize I will probably use it today!


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