(Time to read this Blog section is about 40 seconds)

We’re now half way through 2018.  How is your business doing compared to where you committed to be?   Do you even know?  Are you measuring performance, rewarding success and fixing what needs fixing? 

  1. What areas need more focus, more effort, more resources or innovation? 
  2. Who on your team needs a ‘thank you’, some coaching, or a career change?  What key recruitments need to be made?
  3. What processes or systems need implementing or fixing? 
  4. What marketing and sales activity is needed to get and keep you on track? 
  5. How do you need to better focus your time and attention on the most important projects?

So, specifically, what needs doing, starting right now, to amaze your customers, improve efficiency in every part of your business, engage your team and grow your bottom line so that this year is your best year ever?  

How will you implement what needs doing?  Failure to get specific and implement effectively are two of the biggest challenges in many businesses today.  The solution is simple. Get your team involved, listen to them and for each project or activity you commit to, document specifically what will be done, by whom, by when, measured how and rewarded how?   Then, follow up.  The world is run by those who follow up.

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