(to download this document, click on the link at the bottom of the page)
There’s huge confusion in business today about what a ‘Vision’ is, what it isn’t…and whether it even makes sense to have one. Businesses spend thousands of dollars on consultants or ‘Management Retreats’ to come up with a vague, airy-fairy ‘aspirational’ Vision that says little, and achieves nothing.
Every industry is changing quickly. New technologies and disruptive business models are taking over. To succeed in this fast-changing and hyper-competitive world, we need clarity about the future of our business and our industry.
What businesses really need is an ‘Operational Vision’. A clear, specific and measurable statement of what we commit to become to be a more profitable and responsible market leader in 3 to 5 years. This ‘Operational Vision’ will be 6 points on one page that will be easily updated each year to keep us current, relevant and in the lead. From our 3 to 5 year Vision comes our annual ‘Mission’ and a detailed and specific ‘Commitment to Action’ that states what will be done, by whom, by when, measured how.
Our Vision will inform, focus, challenge and inspire us as leaders and everyone on our team, by creating clarity about 5 specific things:
That level of clarity simply doesn’t exist in most businesses today…and it’s killing them. Your Vision will also be our most effective staff planning and recruitment tool when hiring and developing key team members. With a clear Vision, we hire for the future…not for the immediate past.
Donald’s breakthrough work on business Vision, 7 years in the making, has helped 1,000s of companies throughout the world to improve clarity, commitment, accountability and profitability. This program, complete with an offer to obtain Donald’s 34-page, step-by-step Vision Critical Guide, is offered as a Keynote, or as a longer interactive Workshop.
Bonus take-away value: Each session attendee receives access to Donald’s complete set of 54‘Business assessment and management implementation tools’.
Donald doesn’t just talk about it; he has actually done it…and done it well! He has been both a world-class manufacturer and an award-winning retailer.
Donald started his business career at the age of 6, sweeping the floor in the family business for 5 cents a day. Long days and low pay…excellent early training for an entrepreneur.
He earned an undergraduate business degree and an MBA from the Ivey Business School at Western University, followed by 18 years at Cooper Canada, the family business. From humble beginnings, Cooper Canada became the world’s leading maker of hockey equipment and a Canadian Brand icon.
As a growing family business, Cooper Canada bought competitors, went public, became unionized, became un-unionized, imported, exported to 20 countries, opened an offshore factory in Barbados, and grew to over 2,800 employees. Donald has been in the trenches.
Following the decision to sell Cooper Canada, Donald reinvented himself as a visionary fashion retailer. He fundamentally redefined the customer experience, for which he received seven Awards of Excellence for service, marketing and business innovation, including being voted Canada’s outstanding Innovative Retailer of the Year.
For the past 20 years he has worked with business owners and managers in over 40 industries throughout the world to improve clarity of purpose, compelling customer value, management effectiveness and long-term profitability.
For his unique ability to inform, challenge and inspire even the most cynical business audience, he has been inducted into the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame and been awarded the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation…the highest international designation in professional speaking.
For more information about Donald and his work, including a number of short video clips and business articles, go to donaldcooper.com.
Donald’s presentation was relevant, realistic, actionable, inspiring and entertaining. Everything a speaker should be!