Donald Cooper’s Blog

How we think about our business and ourselves has a lot to do with how far we go. I was reminded of this recently while speaking at the Annual Conference of a large automotive repair franchise.   To make a decent living in that industry, a ‘garage’ needs to do at least a half million […]

Some of your target customers are doing business with your competitors.  Do you know why?  Stop pretending that your competitors don’t exist or don’t matter and find out why they’re getting the business, or making the profit, that you’re not.  Find out what they do well and learn from that.  Find out what they do […]

The Hunter Valley is one of Australia’s finest wine regions. Folks travel from far and wide to sample their high quality vintages.  Right in the middle of one of the Hunter Valley’s most beautiful vineyards is Peppers Boutique Hotel.  But wait, here’s what their website says about their special ‘Complete Indulgence Package’… This special package […]

A “Brand” is a promise to deliver a consistent set of values, standards and experiences that your target customers want in their lives. The key here is “consistency”. Without that, your Brand means nothing. The hotel business is one of the world’s best examples of inconsistent brand delivery. Here are a few examples… The Westin […]

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